Friday, October 3, 2014


I encountered a mean jammer today! I went on an adventure, Bittersweet (which now I can do with no problem, comment if you want tips) and I said "haunted forest bonus first, ok" because I asked which bonus they wanted to do, and no one answered. Then, they went to pumpkin patch bonus! Then, they wanted me to hurry up, and were just like, hurry up, and COME, and yada yada yada. But then I said don't yell at me, because it's your fault anyway, I said forest bonus, and no one listened to me. We have bad teamwork. Of course I was only stating facts, and I even gave proof, like a real essay. But when we were waiting for a person, he called me an imbecile, and told be to look it up on wiki, like I really was an imbecile or something. I'm not stupid, I know what imbecile is. I was about to smart talk him back, like say "Oh yeah? Well, you're doltish," but decided better of it, and left without saying anything more. I mean, it was their fault, and come on, they blamed it to me and looked down at me???
Sorry for sounding whiny, but it's the truth. And I got soo mad, I had to write this. Because, everyone has the right to speak the truth. Everyone has the right to back it up. And they were just insulting it. And they were just insulting me, along with every other jammer. And I couldn't stand it.
So jammers, this teaches you, don't mess with mean jammers! When you do, report them! I didn't report this mean jammer, because I almost never report. But when you find someone mean, report them!

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