Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday Rare and Medical Center Clearance


Today's Monday rare is.. please do a drumroll... The Rare Cone Collar, sold at the Medical Center!
It's super sweet, and...looks like something you'd put on a dog not to scratch themselves!
Also, everything there is on clearance, so hurry up and buy your own stuff from the Medical Center!
Rare Cone Collar:

Clearance items:
Get them while you still can!!!


BTW, for all of you rare-fanatics out there:
My rule: Animal jam is NOT about rares. It's about friends. I mean, the nice looking pixels are nice, but animal jam was made for making friends, for those of you that forgot.
Pixels are pixels.
But if you have a strong enough bond, then friendship is forever.
So don't be all about the rares, the trading, the feeling of being awesome. No.
Friendship on animal jam, the fun of talking to each other, joking around.
That's what I treasure most.

1+ this if you think I'm right!
I want to know who truly believes in friends.
Only those people I can call a possible true friend.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

First shout out for a Jammer!

Well, anyway, no one posted. I guess I should say thanks? But that would mean no one came to my blog...
I don't really care, I'll just keep blabbering about AJ until you guys get tired of me ^.^
So, anyway, nothing new. Halloween stuff didn't come out yet.
And um... Well yea!
I got 300 gems in the daily bonus today!
Well... if you want to play 4gem with me, buddy my buddy, fairu!
And, just saying, I RULEZ WITH 4GEM.
Also... I decided now I will shout out a jammer's user. One who has more than... lets say, 5 betas/rares. The one who fit in my category of "rare". So, first one eva!:
A den beta collector, and an awesome friend, he is SUPER RARE, and he's nice! I never interviewed him, so I don't know what he likes, or what are some of his hobbies, but check him out!

If YOU want to get a shout out, let me know and comment! Just post your user, and I'll go and check you out!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Wow, someone viewed this site??!!

Also... Surprisingly, today, I found someone that 1+ my posts! Who is it? Please comment! So surprised that ANYONE looked at this blog :P
Like, when I first saw the 1+, I thought I 1+ my own posts! And I didn't! And I think it's a miracle!!
So happy: XDD
Will give a seasonal rare for everyone (one per person) who comments from now (9/26/14, 5:36- 9/29/14, 11:59)
Just, after comment, leave your username behind, and I will get to it >.0

I'm crazy about my den

I know I made a little bit of an overtrade when I traded clover balloons and a purple rare glove for a Greely's library thing. But, that's how I trade. I make people overtrade, and then I overtrade too. In that sense, am I fair ^.^
And my den's as comfy as can be. My den's really messy, but at the end of my den is a comfort zone I made for myself, with a calming fireplace, calming plants, cake, and LOTS AND LOTS OF BOOKS which is why I wanted the library XD (oh, but I'm not aiming for the beta books, so...
Here's a pic of my comfort zone in my den. Does it look comfy?:
Comfort zone:
And I've already styled up my den for Halloween too! (two different dens):
(BTW if you know who I am, and have seen this blog, which I doubt because no one goes on here, I'll give you a little something, so don't tell anyone XDD)

When you play the new game Vortex (just for Halloween), and you beat level 5, you can get a phantom scarecrow!!
It's a nm den item, and it looks exactly like what it's titled!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

HALLOWEEN!! Oh, and soon, giveaway

HALLOWEEN!! Jamaa has already changed its looks!! It's epically awesome, wonder what's the Halloween item THIS year! Some past Halloween items (from the game) are Tall phantom statue, and phantom fountain!
Also, today, I went to a SUPER RARE jammer's den!!!
He wanted my party hat. I am sorry to say, but I didn't agree to have my party hat traded like that.
His user was: toygho. GO TO HIS DEN. SERIOUSLY, IT'S EPIC.
And now some more random talk, for it has been a normal day in Jamaa.
Will try to post everyday, though unlikely I'll ever have the chance to later.
Will do animal jam item giveaway soon (But unlikely anything SUPER RARE 'cause sadly, I'm sorry for being unrare. Possibility of being prize: Giant horse plush)
If you wish to enter the giveaway early, for no reason, then just comment! Put your username, status (mem or nm), and reason. Sorry it isn't a SUPER HUGE RARE giveaway! I don't have much stuff...
And the party hat is the rarest thing I has, so... Yea, pretty poor here, even though trying to make a blog and do a giveaway
And sorry for blabbering on and letting your time be wasted.......... Forgive me XDD
BTW, during the giveaway, if only one person comments, that person will get the item. If no people comment, the entire thing is put off.
Giant horse plush pic:

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Um... Random talk about AJ

To be honest, I wasn't expecting worns to be rare. When there were still around Jamaa (and yes, they aren't beta), no one bought them. It was actually one of the least popular items. It was sold in Mt. Shiveer.
And fox hats, rare? Wow, that also really surprised me. Back in the day, they were so common no one wanted them.
And nm gloves? SUPER POPULAR. It was the one most in demand back in the day.
Well that's it. Short post becuz I still have my homework. And STILL trying to get viewers. I feel like I'm talking to myself. COMMENT if you  visited this website!! You can even just put a period or something. And tell your friends! Will be a huge help :> Though you don't have to if you don't want to...
And BTW, this website DOESN'T rely on reliable resources unless for rare items and stuff. It relies on my ever-changing mood and memory, and YOU!! So, comment! And help me out!

...Your average day in Aldan... SUPER CROWDED!!! XD

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

New Animal Jam Blog!

Hi, just started a new AJ blog!!! XD So excited, first time doing this before! By the way, yesterday's rare item was the rare beard. Even though beards lost rarity in AJ after appearing in the Forgotten Desert, there are a few that can't be found! Beards come in several different colors. Yesterday's beard was ALL PURPLE! I know a friend that would be so happy, because her absolute favorite color is PURPLE! Check her out, her user is jaguar1370. I'll try to post as much as I can, so please comment!!!