HALLOWEEN!! Jamaa has already changed its looks!! It's epically awesome, wonder what's the Halloween item THIS year! Some past Halloween items (from the game) are Tall phantom statue, and phantom fountain!
Also, today, I went to a SUPER RARE jammer's den!!!
He wanted my party hat. I am sorry to say, but I didn't agree to have my party hat traded like that.
His user was: toygho. GO TO HIS DEN. SERIOUSLY, IT'S EPIC.
And now some more random talk, for it has been a normal day in Jamaa.
Will try to post everyday, though unlikely I'll ever have the chance to later.
Will do animal jam item giveaway soon (But unlikely anything SUPER RARE 'cause sadly, I'm sorry for being unrare. Possibility of being prize: Giant horse plush)
If you wish to enter the giveaway early, for no reason, then just comment! Put your username, status (mem or nm), and reason. Sorry it isn't a SUPER HUGE RARE giveaway! I don't have much stuff...
And the party hat is the rarest thing I has, so... Yea, pretty poor here, even though trying to make a blog and do a giveaway
And sorry for blabbering on and letting your time be wasted.......... Forgive me XDD
BTW, during the giveaway, if only one person comments, that person will get the item. If no people comment, the entire thing is put off.
Giant horse plush pic: